Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Statement


At 2Viz, we are committed to leading with integrity and purpose, recognizing the impact our operations have on the world and striving to act responsibly. Our ESG strategy is embedded in our corporate ethos and aligns with our overarching mission to innovate responsibly while delivering exceptional digital experience solutions.

Environmental Stewardship

2Viz is dedicated to minimizing our environmental footprint and leveraging our technology for environmental good. Key initiatives include:

• Technological Solutions for Environmental Challenges: We have developed interactive educational programs such as the “Save the Oceans Experience Rooms” for children, designed to raise awareness and inspire action on marine conservation.

• Sustainable Operations: Our operations are designed to reduce waste and increase efficiency. This includes utilizing energy-efficient data centers and committing to significant reductions in our carbon emissions through smarter travel policies and remote working capabilities.

• Future Environmental Goals: We are actively working towards further reducing our carbon footprint by 30% in the next five years through innovations in technology and internal operations.

Reporting and Accountability

• ESG Reporting: We commit to transparent and regular reporting of our ESG performance, adhering to international standards to provide stakeholders with clear and accountable metrics of our progress.

• Continuous Improvement: 2Viz is dedicated to continuous improvement in our ESG initiatives. We regularly evaluate our policies and practices to adapt to new challenges and opportunities, ensuring we remain at the forefront of responsible business practices.


Our commitment to environmental, social, and governance excellence is a core part of 2Viz’s identity. We believe that our dedication to ESG principles is essential not only for sustainable business growth but also for contributing positively to a better, more sustainable world.

Engage With Us

We invite all our stakeholders to join us on this journey. Your feedback is invaluable as we strive to enhance our ESG efforts. Together, we can achieve meaningful change.

For further information or to provide feedback, please contact e.fernandes@2viz.io.

This statement outlines 2Viz’s commitment to integrating responsible practices into our business model, which not only drives our success but also contributes positively to society and the environment.